Duplicating a sequence

Here’s how to copy a sequence from your chatbot To duplicate a sequence in your chatbot to modify it or simply copy it to another group, simply click on the …

Measuring the duration of a conversation

Timing the conversation between a user and a chatbot The conversation between a user and your chatbot is never really over, but you can measure the time spent between 2 …

Math whiz

scientific mathematical functions Since the arrival of the native Google Sheets connector on Botnation, enabling you to send data to and retrieve data from the online spreadsheet, many of you …

Collecting leads with a web chatbot

Retrieve an email, phone number or name via your site’s chatbot In a webinar, we talked about collecting leads via a Facebook Messenger chatbot. This is also possible for a …

Set launch times for my web chatbot

Configuring your webchatbot according to days and times Start by retrieving the code needed to display the Chatbot from the platform. You will find the procedure in the following documentation: …

How to assign 2 variables to the same button

Can a “User input” button store two variables at the same time? It is not possible to assign 2 different variables to the same button action. However, it’s perfectly possible …

Turning the Chatbot into an executable

A stand-alone chatbot application or .EXE program Botnation doesn’t generate standalone Windows or Mac executables, but many applications can easily embed their Botnation chatbot by simply launching it in a …

Customized date and time feedback format

How to format the result for your database With the Date and Time function, the date and time chosen by the user can be inserted in the {{CALENDAR_CUSTOM_FORMAT}} variable in …

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