We have developed a new version of our AI learning algorithms and mechanics.
This version is more powerful and simplifies the task of chatbot creators even more.
In the advanced settings of your chatbot is now available an option to use v1 or v2 for NLP.
All chatbots already built on Botnation are automatically set in v1, including templates. We ensure backward compatibility for all chatbots already on the platform if you do not want to change anything.
All new chatbots, and future models, will now default to v2.
Nothing prevents you from changing the configuration of an existing chatbot v1 to v2 but its operation may require many simplifications of your rules. We recommend that you do not modify the configuration of an already operational chatbot but rather duplicate it. On this duplicate version, change the configuration and then modify your NLP rules while thoroughly testing their new behavior before publishing this duplicate version of your chatbot.
It already works on several languages and we will try to cover another ten in the future.
5.2 Keywords and Expressions V2
With this version, all you have to do is add a verb to the infinitive and all its conjugations are automatically detected.
In addition, you only have to enter themasculine and singular wordsso that the plurals and feminines are also detected.
Example: We would like the AI to understand the phrases”I want to sell an apartment” and “I am selling an apartment”.
Using the V1 you have to create a rule with the following Expressions:
When using V2 you only need to use one Expression:
5.3 Recommendation Algorithm V2
In the Recommendation Algorithm tool following the user input is also indicated an information between […] of the NLP vision on this query. This will allow you to easily add relevant rules and expressions.
Example: The AI doesn’t understand the phrase “Do you have apartments to rent?”
Here is what V1 displays:
AFTER Using V2 we see that the algorithm has understood the following sequence of words and verbs: [do you appartments rent]This could become a rule.
No need to try to think like a robot to make a new rule since you can see how it thinks.
5.4 The V2 Libraries
In V1, a Library was only usable as a kind of Keyword. This limited its uses.
Now you can include a Library in an Expression. And that changes everything.
Example: By creating the following Library with synonyms for Apartment:
And by including it in this Expression in an AI Rule:
The chatbot is then able to understand and identify the following sentences:
This example shows the simplicity and power of this Version 2 of our NLP.