Chatbot for WhatsApp

Your Botnation bot can also be active on WhatsApp

We are operational on Whatsapp in beta-private mode for a few users while we finalize a new extraordinary interface.

You can for example test by contactingthe business Botnation account certified by Whatsapp: https: //

(Botnation’s phone number on WhatsApp is therefore+33 644 644 448

or by searching for “Botnation” on the WhatsApp contact search.

Beware, this private beta (reserved for the moment to large accounts) is not as free as Facebook Messenger or a Web Chatbot.

– Whatsapp only accepts business accounts (an existing, recognized and legally verified company), not a temporary account dedicated to a test, game or marketing operation.

– Messages are paid, well under 1 cent per message if the contact request comes from the user, the price of an SMS if you follow up (>24h at last exchange).

– The reminder messages must respect a format (template) to be validated by WhatsApp

– The messages are only composed of text and images, no buttons, no menu. You really need to use NLP. The Botnation contexts are then very useful to replace the buttons.

– A WhatsApp account is necessarily linked to a dedicated cell phone number (that’s how WhatsApp works) but we can provide it to you, we have an agreement with a telecom operator.

These constraints can be frightening and are therefore rather dedicated to brands already recognized but in return the brand has a real account certified by WhatsApp closer to users with the possibility to contact prospects to initiate or re-launch the conversation. Moreover, the Botnation interface is strictly the same as for your web chatbot or Facebook Messenger. One tool to manage them all!

If you are interested, contact us to see if we can integrate you in this “beta” program.

Create your Chatbot Easily and for Free!