You can reach the Botnation team by live-chat, email or phone
The easiest way to contact Botnation is our Chatbot.
On the site, simply open it by clicking on the bubble at the bottom right of your screen.

On the interface dashboard, it’s also on the bottom right corner.

And when you are working on your chatbot, the “Help” tab is where it’s at.

You can also contact us by email at the following address
or simply use this online contact form.
You can also reach Botnation by phone at the following number
09 74 59 58 72 (not surcharged) from France
+33 9 74 59 58 72 from abroad.
We are here to help you! However, we do not provide technical support by phone for users of free offers. We therefore recommend that you use the articles in the Botnation online help.