How to disable my chatbot

Want to deactivate your chatbot from your Facebook page or website? Nothing could be easier.

When you are on your dashboard,

1 – Click on the chatbot you want to disable

(by clicking on this button, you will go to your chatbot).

2- Click on the “n page” or “n website” button

(this action button means that you have a chatbot linked to a page or site. By clicking on it, it will unfold all the pages or sites that are associated with your BOTNATION AI account)

4- Click on Deactivate

(by clicking on “Disable”, you dissociate your chatbot from your Facebook page or your website).

💡 A second page or site to disable on the same chatbot? Just click on the “Disable” button in front of the page in question.

Create your Chatbot Easily and for Free!