Add a reminder to an inactive user at X minutes or X hours
It is possible to automatically set a sequence during the conversation that will automatically call the user back to a sequence after X minutes or X hours if, for example, the user is inactive.
Simply click on the “Relaunch” function:

then set it up:

An auto-cancel option is also available if the reminder becomes “useless” in the event that the user has returned before being reminded.
Example: On Monday at noon a user starts to fill in a 3-step form in your chatbot. He gives up at the 2nd stage, but you had set up an automatic reminder at +24 hours at each stage to anticipate this case and remind him to come back to complete his request.
On Tuesday morning, before the automatic relaunch at +24h, the user returns to your chatbot to complete his request, so the automatic relaunch will be canceled to avoid relaunching him for no reason.
To avoid poor dunning management, you can’t set up several simultaneously for the same sequence. Only the last one set up will be taken into account, but you can link them together.
Relaunch 1 -> Redirection -> Sequence 2 -> Relaunch 2
Relaunch 2 -> Redirection -> Sequence 3 -> Relaunch 3