Assign a value to a variable

The Set feature allows us to create as well as modify a variable. If the concept of a variable is totally abstract for you, I advise you to consult the …

Beta: GPS Tools

ATTENTION THESE FUNCTIONS ARE STILL IN BETA-TESTING, THEIR USE CAN STILL VARY ACCORDING TO THE FEEDBACKS OF THE TESTERS. It is possible to assign GPS coordinates to variables{{bn_gps_long}}and{{bn_gps_lat}} and then …

Capture a date

Get a date and time to save them in variables The “Date and time” function allows your users to easily enter a date and a time in order to inform …

The IF Condition feature

Launch an action in your chatbot based on a condition on a variable 1. What is an IF Condition on Botnation? In a word, this is what will allow your …

All about {{…}} variables

A variable is a powerful tool to dynamically customize your chatbot and collect data. 1. What is a variable? A variable is a textual symbol, in the form {{Variable}}, which …

The list of values returned by the variable {{LANGUAGE}}

What are the language codes of Botnation users? The values returned by the variable {{LANGUAGE}} are in ISO 639-1 format and are as follows: ENFRESITDEJPZHARBGHRCSDANLFIELHEHUKONOPLPTRORUSRSKSLSVTHTRVI Any other language will return …

Add a delay between 2 messages ⏰

How to force the chatbot to pause after posting something. 1. Use Among the construction features, click on “Delay”. Drag the slider to choose the length of the delay. In …

Add a redirection

How to redirect your chatbot from one sequence to another. 1. Use Among the construction features, click on “Redirection”. Choose the sequence to which the chatbot will be redirected in …

Import a Pdf in your chatbot

Easily add a Pdf that will be downloadable in your chatbot. 1. Use Just as it is possible to add an image or a video in a sequence of your …

Add a text to your chatbot

Easily add text that will be used by your chatbot. 1. Use Among the construction features, click on “Text”. Then type your text in the input field. The Text Functionality …

Add a video to your chatbot

Easily add a video that will be displayed by your chatbot. 1. Use Among the building features, click on “Media” and then, in the menu that opens, click on “Video”. …

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