How are users counted?

Your Botnation package limits you to a certain number of users per month, find out how this is calculated.

Botnation AI works on the freemium model: you connect and create an account on the platform, all for free! You are then in the Discovery mode, which allows you to access the chatbot creation tools and develop your projects. There is no time limit.

When you are ready to publish your chatbot(s), we will ask you to take a package (offers are available on this page). After that, you will be charged according to the number of users.

But how exactly are users counted?

A user is an Internet user who has conversed with your chatbot. Billing is done over 30 days. This user, in the case of a web chatbot, has an identifier stored in the browser that will be recognized by Botnation(see the documentation on the subject). In the case of a chatbot on Facebook Messenger, the user’s Facebook ID will be used as proof: the user will be connected, so the tool will recognize him. Thus, if the same user converses 18 times with the chatbot over the 30-day billing period, then it will only be counted once. It will be accounted for again in the next period.

So, if you have 1500 users in one month, you will have 1500 users at the beginning of the next month, unless you delete these users according to your own criteria. You can only do this after 30 days, not before(see the documentation on the subject)!

Since billing is monthly, users must appear at least once on our side during the billing period. It makes no difference to you: if 500 users are deleted on January 10 and 500 users are deleted on January 20, that would be 1000 users charged. This system is in place to make everything clearer for everyone: if the users remain on the graph and the deletion can only be done on February 1st, this avoids misunderstandings such as “I only had 500 users at the end of January and you charge 1000” (the 500 of January 10th cannot be offered).


  • Only visitors who have opened the discussion by clicking on the bubble are counted
  • The displays of the bubble which did not generate an opening remain at our charge and not counted on your side (although they consume resources and are therefore expensive for us)

When do I have to pay my subscription?

Subscriptions are due at the beginning of the period. The overage is due at the end of the period (30 days). Thus, at the beginning of the period, you pay the amount of the package for the next 30 days + the amount of the possible extra package of the past period.

Analitics of your chatbot
Delete users
How does Botnation determine that 2 users of my web chatbot are distinct?

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