What is Inbound Marketing?

inboud marketing

A new commercial strategy was born a few years ago, it is the inbound marketing, it has the particularity that the customers flock themselves to the commercial. This is a very well thought-out strategy that has allowed a very large number of companies to increase their sales. What is really inbound marketing? How to proceed with this business strategy? What are its advantages? We will answer all your questions.

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What is the definition of inbound marketing?

Let’s start with a little English to begin with, the term inbound marketing means inbound marketing, it’s the opposite of outbound marketing which is a commercial strategy in which the sales people are the ones who go to the customers to sell them the services or products of the brands they work for, whether it’s through flyers, brochures, etc. commercial campaigns, advertisements, etc. Unfortunately, this commercial strategy shows more and more weaknesses nowadays and becomes obsolete, customers feel attacked by too intrusive and brutal ways of acting, no subtlety is shown in the promotion of the sold products. Moreover, outbound marketing is a very expensive strategy, both in terms of human resources and in terms of the equipment needed to carry out the project of making a service known.

Inbound marketing avoids these problems and removes the idea of mass advertising, the goal is no longer to try to attract anyone and psychologically force prospects to eventually buy, but rather it is to give those prospects the impression that if they buy, it is only by their own will. First, you need to start by offering content that can appeal to prospects, not the services sold directly, but only content related to them, in this way you attract them to your website, again they should not feel violated by mass advertising, you must arouse enough curiosity in them that they will direct themselves to your products.

What are the steps of inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing is composed of several essential steps so that your target clientele can take the bait and end up signing with you. Here are the four main steps of inbound marketing:

  • Visitor Attraction;
  • Conversion of visitors into leads;
  • Converting leads to customers;
  • Customer loyalty.

Attracting visitors is certainly one of the most complicated steps to implement in the list mentioned, because unlike an outbound strategy, we recall that the prospect should not feel targeted and attacked by your marketing, in this situation there is only one SEO agency that is able to carry out this implementation. An SEO agency takes care of maximizing your visibility on search engines and optimizing your indexing continuously to allow people who are interested in your industry to easily come across your content without having to search for it themselves.

Converting prospects into leads is also a pretty tricky step, because again, now that they’re on your website, you can’t directly entice them to buy your services, they need to feel confident and think they’re in control. You need to get your prospects to leave information about themselves on your site, most of the time, the white paper technique is the most common, you leave a possibility to download a content online, through a chatbot, which will be sent to the potential customer by email address collected by the bot for example.

How do you create content that converts leads into customers?

Your content must absolutely be qualitative, the customer must feel that your site gives true and real information to which he can refer, this will make him feel confident and push him to browse more on it.

Your content should have a very rich semantic field related to your function sector, this will facilitate its appearance on search engines with any word related to one of your semantic fields.

You now know more about inbound marketing, its definition and how it works.

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Amandine Carpentier