Replacement in a variable

Allows you to replace strings of characters by others If the concept of a variable is totally abstract for you, I advise you to consult the following article before continuing: …

Rounding a variable

This feature allows you to round the value of a variable If the concept of a variable is totally abstract for you, I advise you to consult the following article …

Concatenation of variables

Allows you to merge variables together, with text and possibly a separator If the concept of a variable is totally abstract for you, I advise you to consult the following …

Advanced calculations on variables

Access many advanced mathematical functions to calculate your variables. If the concept of a variable is totally abstract for you, I advise you to consult the following article before continuing: …

Generate a random value for a variable

This feature allows you to give a variable a random value between a minimum value and a maximum value. If the concept of a variable is totally abstract for you, …

Calculation on variables

Allows you to make a calculation from two values. If the concept of a variable is totally abstract for you, I advise you to consult the following article before continuing: …

Assign a value to a variable

The Set feature allows us to create as well as modify a variable. If the concept of a variable is totally abstract for you, I advise you to consult the …

Beta: GPS Tools

ATTENTION THESE FUNCTIONS ARE STILL IN BETA-TESTING, THEIR USE CAN STILL VARY ACCORDING TO THE FEEDBACKS OF THE TESTERS. It is possible to assign GPS coordinates to variables{{bn_gps_long}}and{{bn_gps_lat}} and then …

Capture a date

Get a date and time to save them in variables The “Date and time” function allows your users to easily enter a date and a time in order to inform …

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