What budget for a chatbot in 2022?


Digital marketing or web marketing uses more and more innovative means, especially when it comes to promoting relationships between customers and companies. In order to enhance this customer factor, the use of artificial intelligence has quickly become essential. This explains the predominance of chatbots on the market today. It is an autonomous web chat tool that is generally defined as a computerized conversational agent. Would you like to be part of the users of this modern working tool? Would you like to know how much it costs to buy a chatbot? Be aware that the rates offered on the market may differ from one company to another. The technologies and operation of the chat bot are also factors that can influence this budgetary aspect.

The price of a chatbot depends on the different conversational agent technologies

chatbot technologies

If you want to know the budget to allocate for the acquisition of a chatbot, it is essential to know the different technologies offered on the market. There are three main technologies, each of which involves specific expenses.

Business chatbots

This category of chatbots is offered to customers who want to empower a part of their business, whether it is internal or external operations. In the first case, the service provided by the artificial intelligence is oriented towards the employees or collaborators. Beyond being an IT tool, the chatbot becomes a real support for human resources management.

When it is a chatbot intended for external use, it addresses the users of the company’s services (customers, partners…). From then on, it plays a role, no longer primitive, but more or less intelligent: product recommendation, after-sales service, reception and processing of orders, etc.

Personal assistant chatbots

Computerized personal assistants are equipped with voice data processing technology. These chat agents are perfect for you if your project involves providing voice chat bots to serve your customers. Designed to learn and understand spoken language, this type of chatbot can be used for different tasks.

Indeed, thanks to the ancillary systems to which they are connected, the voicebots can perform human actions such as changing the music, setting the alarm, etc. They receive the client ‘s recommendations in the form of computer code and then execute the desired action.

Media chatbots

These chat bots are especially designed for customers who have a messaging platform that offers visual information. Indeed, practical to ensure the distribution of media content, media chatbots are the perfect tool for audiovisual data administration. They allow you to add videos and images on the platforms and detect keywords. These tools are most common on the digital interfaces of sports clubs and on news platforms.


Better understand the cost of a chatbot

Given the scalable nature of chatbots, it is difficult to give an exact price range for these tools. Freelancers and web chat bot creation agencies offer services that are accessible according to the budgetary capacity of the client. Well before presenting the different budgets for acquiring a conversational agent, it is important to point out that some brands offer chatbots that you can get, regardless of the state of your finances.

This is notably the case of Botnation, which allows the customer to have his chatbot for free for the needs of his company. On the other hand, the majority of providers only provide services for a fee. The other variable is that they do not apply the same criteria and payment terms. You can hire a professional to create your chatbot by paying him an hourly rate or a daily rate.

The different budgets to have a chatbot

Depending on the state of your finances, you can determine what kind of computerized conversation tools are available to you or what platform to design it on. Discover the different budgets to have a chatbot.

If you have a low budget

When you have a tight budget, the realization of your bot creation project can be very complex. If the total expenses you can bear are below 500 euros, it is advisable to bet on the developer box. Indeed, you’d better go for a chatbot framework. There are several tools for creating bots available on the web for relatively low prices. The conversational agent offered at this price can be primitive with more or less limited ancillary systems.

If you have an average budget

Based on current market rates, your budget can be considered average when it is between 200 and 500 euros. If you find yourself in this budget profile, start by determining the chatbot program of your choice. Be sure to choose one whose expenses are within the budget range for your project. Once you have made your choice, you can start setting up your robot by inserting the data according to your expectations.

Keep in mind that the features you choose may increase the price of the project. While clients may be innovative, this is only possible if the budget allows. Also, with an average budget, the customer has the possibility to call upon a freelance to install his chatbot.

If you are on a budget

Once you have the ability to spend more than 2,000 Euros, you have several options for technology and platform choices. For a perfect realization, you must proceed by cutting with such resources. This tip will ensure that you don’t make a mistake in choosing the perfect tool for you, or losemoney.

Indeed, when the price of the product varies between 2,000 and 10,000 euros per month, you should not skimp on the features it offers and on the volume of conversations it can handle. Keep in mind that the operation of the chat agent must be flawless if you are investing so much in this marketing project.

Amandine Carpentier

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