Nothing is worth human interaction and nothing will ever replace it, that’s a fact. When it comes to learning, this statement is no different. But, think about it : technologic tools can really help to push teaching further by giving extra tutoring and supplements. For instance, a chatbot can automate a part of a teaching session and give first clues to a lifelong training.
In this purpose, gamification is a powerful tool. One of our client, Niels Agterberg is the co-founder of &U, an innovative company that is always pushing boundaries forward. They saw in the chatbots a way to offer new tools to their audience. Niels told us about his corporation’s vision and the way he used the Botnation platform to create an interactive gamification !
Introduce yourself and your company :
I am Niels Agterberg, co-owner of &U, a Dutch company that’s inventing disruptive concepts to change the way people and companies work together. Here are some of our concepts : Everyday Heroes, Meeting Minds, Tussen Kunst & Skills.
What were your issues before launching your chatbot ?
We wanted to create a digital tool to support people in their personal growth in a playful, enthusing way. Therefore, we developed a card game which, also due to covid, needed to be distributed digitally, conserving the playful character. Therefore we needed a chatbot that was able to really interact with the user. And that actually is quite a challenge for most chatbots.
How did you come to the conclusion that a chatbot would meet these needs ?
Because of its repetitive character 90% of the chat flow was standard. Only 10% varies, which should be very manageable with a chatbot.
Why did you choose the Botnation solution ?
We chose Botnation because the platform is easy to use, it needs almost no programming skills, looks slick and has the ability to work with variable content.
How did you build the chatbot ? What was the creative process ?
We first outlined the user experience, after which we started building and testing. It’s really an iterative process actually. And in the end, you probably would have wished to do it totally different ;-). But that’s what is making it fun.
Have you been able to measure the first results ?
Definitely, we’ve had a successful project with our chatbot ! Many users and positive feedback which we will definitely use to improve the bot.
Would you have some advice for a company that also wants to launch a chatbot ?
Let iteration be the key. You probably won’t rock at the first time, but in a while you’ll probably succeed. Up to there, it’s trial and error ! Don’t forget to enjoy the process.
Thanks Niels for having answered our questions ! For more content on this subject, check out our client Loic Rivalain’s work with Ma Langue Au Chat.