Test your chatbot

You want to test your bot before publishing it? Nothing could be easier. The Botnation tool allows you to test your chatbot in real conditions (as it will appear on …

Connect to BOTNATION.AI with Facebook

Easy access to BOTNATION AI Here are the steps to connect to the BOTNATION AI platform 1 – Log in to your Facebook account. ℹ️ it is important to connect …

How do I add my chatbot to my Wix site?

Easily install a chatbot on your Wix website. Wix is a platform with integration limitations. It is complicated to add an external Javascript code, Wix having its own “Wix Code” …

How to add several variables and not only 2?

Obtain the sum or difference by subtracting several variables It is possible to obtain the sum (addition) of several variables by adding them one after the other, via the mathematical …

How to promote your chatbot?

Promote your chatbot to attract more users! On the Botnation AI platform, we offer several features to help you improve the visibility of your chatbot. All these features are grouped …

Automatic response to Facebook comments

Automatically reply to comments on your Facebook page 1. Introduction The initial promise of a Facebook chatbot is to respond to requests via messaging when you don’t have time to …

Send an email easily with Gmail

Your chatbot can send an email using your Gmail account On Botnation, it’s easy for your chatbot to send information by email! You just need to set up the Gmail …

Add a sound to your chatbot

Have your chatbot play audio files 1. Use Among the construction features, click on “Media” and then, in the menu that opens, click on “Audio”. To add a sound you …

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Create your Chatbot Easily and for Free!